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KENT RO Franchise

Offering RO Water Purifier Distributorship in India

Acknowledged as the leader in the RO Water Purifier category, KENT is a pioneer brand  introducing the revolutionary Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology to India in 1999. With the vision for a healthier world, their technological expertise aim to come up with innovative solutions that now have made them the largest manufacturer of water purifiers, in India. The brand has brought forth the patented technology of the RO+UV+UF+TDS Controller that purifies water while retaining the natural minerals, which are essential for a healthy life. Their innovative use of UV light in the storage tank helps to retain the purity of pure water.


Kent is the only water purifier company to be certified by some of the most prestigious certifying agencies of India and abroad like NSF & WQA of USA. Driven by the purpose to offer good health to one and all, KENT is, without a doubt, the best RO Water Purifier Distributorship in India.





Planet Water

Offering franchise Atmospheric Water Generator Distribution in India

The “Planets Water” atmospheric water generator generates fresh daily drinking water from the air increasingly known as the “water from air” or “air to water” miracle water machine. In a world where, according to the United Nations, the global consumption of water is doubling every twenty years, more than one billion people already either have very limited or absolutely no access to fresh drinking water. By the year 2025 the increased demand for fresh water is expected to exceed by 56% of the amount currently available. The Earths most valuable commodity is becoming increasingly scarce. With “bottled water” being banned and outlawed from east to west as a result of increasing contamination of bottled water plastic the one hundred billion dollar a year totally unregulated bottled water industry is fighting for survival with consumer groups also raising numerous warnings about a host of different microorganisms and chemicals that have been found in bottled water. Tap water has also been held to blame for 41 million US citizens being supplied with water that was proved to be contaminated with pharmaceuticals. The Solution: Through Planet’s Water we provide the freshest, cleanest, and purest drinking water directly from the same air that we breathe.

PlanetsWater Corp. strives to find the best possible solutions to the planets ever increasing water shortage problems that are becoming an everyday occurrence on news broadcasts around the world as demand for our most valuable commodity increases beyond manageability. PlanetsWater Corp. endorses and distributes Atmospheric Water Generators that require no plumbing, water lines or pipes, just electricity. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that the Earth has about 3,100 cubic miles of water in the air, mostly as water vapor, but also as clouds or precipitation, at any one time. Through AWG home/office atmospheric water generator and larger industrial appliances you can now tap into this resource to produce your own natural fresh pure water. PlanetsWater Corp’s unique technology extracts water from the air by dehumidification, which then passes through a multi stage reverse osmosis filtration system that produces deliciously fresh clean water – the cleanest possible water available on the planet.

PlanetsWater creates drinking water from the moisture in the air we breathe every day, with no ground pollution, totally independent of any sort of centralized water supply system like bottling plants or municipalities. You can now be in total control of the quality of your drinking water and the security of your family’s’ health. PlanetsWater make devices for home/office use that will manufacture 15 ltrs – 100 ltrs per day of drinking water out of outdoor air in winter and summer to larger industrial size machines that will produce up to 10,000 ltrs per day depending on the humidity of the region. Quite simply, the higher the humidity of the air the greater volume of water produced. The appliances have been tried and tested in every part of the globe and proven to generate fresher water effectively in both quantity and cost when compared to any other water source.




Offering Agricultural Product Distributorship in India

Established in 2010, VRAT Agro are the manufacturer and seller of fertilizers, plant growth promoters, pesticides, insecticides. Located in the India it consists of highly sophisticated lab instruments that are backed by a sound infrastructure and a well-trained team of experts that make them possible to deliver quality products to the clients.

The combined effort of both machine and manpower enables them to manufacture a range in accordance with international quality standards. Their quality endeavours have made them be associated with farmers, dealers, distributors, and shopkeepers, making them one of the best agricultural product distributorship in India.




Purexa franchise

The PUREXA Oral Wellness  franchise brand of top-notch oral wellness products was introduced by Purexa Global Private Limited on March 20, 2020, in honour of World Oral Health Day. It has the support of a group of highly regarded dental experts from New Delhi, India.

Since a few years ago, the team has been hard at work developing the best formulas, and as a consequence of their efforts, Purexa Global is introducing Stage 1 of its best-in-class Toothpastes, Mouthwash, Ulcer-gels, Gum Astringents, and Toothbrush range.

Since these World Class Dental Pharma & OTC product ranges were developed by one of the most prominent & successful names in the India dental community, great care has been taken to highlight their true benefits. More than 20 years of addressing oral concerns have given the author have developed ideas for giving individuals dental solutions that are evidence- and need-based.

A significant validation of the efficacy of these top-notch dental goods is provided by the clinical studies conducted on them in prestigious dental institutes.

To give their customers the best possible service is Purexa Global Private Limited’s primary goal. The hallmark of this organisation is its steadfast commitment to modernising and updating as needed through proactive R&D. Do not wait to get the PUREXA Oral Wellness Franchise.


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